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Live Departures & Travel Updates

Our live travel and departure times tool provides current status updates for every one of our trains. Use our tool below to:

  • Check live times and platform details before you arrive at the station.
  • Get live service updates on our key routes to and from Stansted Airport.

Stansted Airport to Stratford

Departure Time Departure Station/Platform Arrival Time Arrival Station/Platform Details Status
Platform 3
Stansted Airport
Platform 3
Platform 12
Platform 12
On time

Looking for timetables?

Head to our timetables page for scheduled train times and platform information.


To check real-time train time information, head over to our Live Departures page.

Alternatively, click ‘check times’ on our homepage and enter your origin and destination stations then hit "view train times". This will show you up-to-date train times.

Trains depart London and Stansted Airport every 15 minutes during the day, 7 days a week.

The first train leaving Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport is at 03:40am Monday, Friday and Saturday, 04:10am on Sunday, and 04.40am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The first train leaving Stansted Airport to Liverpool Street is at 05:30am on Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and 06.00am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The last train leaving Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport is 23:25pm. The last train leaving Stansted Airport to London Liverpool Street is 00:30pm.

These times are subject to change. To search for the first or last train of the day, select a time in our train times tool further up this page and hit ‘View Train Times’. Use the earlier or later toggles to scroll through to find the train you are looking for on your selected route.

To check if your train is on time, head over to our Live Departures page. It will have a status update to say whether the train will be on time.

To check which platform your train leaves from, click ‘check times’ on our homepage and enter your origin and destination stations then hit "view train times". The platform number should be displayed directly underneath the train’s departure station.

If your train is cancelled, you will be able to take the next service to your destination. All Stansted Express tickets are flexible – you can catch any train on the outbound travel date booked.

If your train is cancelled and no other services are running, you’ll generally be entitled to a refund.

From London Liverpool Street station, the journey time is just 48 minutes. Making it the quickest way to travel from central London to Stansted Airport.

From Stratford station, the journey is approximately 1 hour to Stansted Airport.

From Tottenham Hale station, the journey is 37 minutes to Stansted Airport

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